Certified Spiritual Development Package can be summarized as engaging body, mind, and spirit, this holistic coaching program will teach you how to provide support, encouragement, and direction to spiritual seekers while obtaining necessary skills and experience to serve others.


Some learning outcomes from our training held on 18-20 April 2019 in Istanbul:

As a result of the assigned reading material, assignments, discussions, and practicums:

  • Understand their role as a spiritual development awareness and the qualities that they will need to nurture in themselves in order to enhance their effectiveness;
  • Develop a framework for evaluating a person’s spiritual experiences that are based on traditional approaches and on personal experiences;
  • Develop strategies for dealing with a mentee’s negative self-view to include exhibiting skills that emphasize listening to and supporting a mentee during times of particular confusion and ambiguity in life, with the intention of eliciting underlying feelings, themes, and direction;
  • Articulate the differences and similarities between mentoring and counseling/psychotherapy and outline methods and statements that communicate to clients their work aligns with the mentoring model;
  • Mentor/guide others, and/or lead workshops in such areas as dream work/dream interpretation, finding their mission in life, and meditation and the inner life;
  • Draw upon first-hand, expanded self-awareness through working with dreams, meditation, and/or finding one’s mission in life and through this process will have acquired a deeper understanding of mind-body-spirit integration;
  • Describe their understanding of the interrelationships between the levels of body-mind-spirit after encountering a variety of transformative experiences.

Our in-depth training program helps you develop your own consciousness and links you with other co-creative pioneers who are committed to forming communities to birth the next stage for humanity and the Earth.

Participants earned masterfully guide clients using the most effective tools for transforming their mind and emotions to release their emotional pain, past trauma, limiting beliefs and blockages to them experiencing their spiritual essence.

They experienced to heal the wounds of life and restore them to experiencing themselves as an incarnated soul here to express their true divinity and experience that as joyful, loving, uplifting, empowering and inspiring.

They also learned to harness their spiritual powers so that ghey can lead a happier, richer, more successful life make a great living helping other people with your amazing talents.

Please contact with us to join us for this life changing experince!