Why should you use your LinkedIn Profile to get a job?

If you have a target for your career and professional advancement, you need an updated and optimised LinkedIn Profile.


LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world. It has nearly 740 million members in 200 countries and regions worldwide.

  • 300K+ remote job postings are in the U.S on LinkedIn. Remote Job postings in the U.S. increase 6X from March to December 2020.
  • 40M people use LinkedIn for job searching each week
  • 3 people hired every minute on LinkedIn
  • 55M+ companies listed on LinkedIn and 14M+ open jobs on LinkedIn jobs
  • % 94 of recruiters prefer LinkedIn as part of their candidate search. (Recruitment & Employment Confederation – REC)

If you have a profile on LinkedIn, it is a great starting! However, it is not enough to utilise from LinkedIn. CEO of LinkedIn Jeff Weiner highlighted the key to creating a robust LinkedIn Profile is authenticity (CBS This Morning). Also, he offered some tips to boots a LinkedIn Profile:

  • Represent yourself as who you are
  • Update your profile frequently
  • Be comprehensive about current skills and objectives.
  • Highlight your recent experience.

I would like to share some additional tips for writing and engaging LinkedIn Profile.

Complete Your LinkedIn Profile: It is crucial to be sure that your profile is complete, detailed, exciting and readable. Using a profile photo represents you and your profession. You should customise your URL with your name.

Craft An Interesting Summary: About section of your profile is an excellent place to highlight your strong and unique features in your industry. You should add an eye-catching headline with key professional certifications, skills or key accomplishments. Adding media to your summary gives credibility to your claims about who you say and what you do.

Emphasise Your Experience: You can take a different approach with the experience section, streamlining some of the responsibilities, or providing a company summary, if the descriptive words align with your career goal. You don’t have the same two-page rule here, like writing a resume / CV. However, it would be best if you did not forget the readers with short attention spans.

Skills & Endorsement: If you want your profile’s rank in the research results, you should list your skills related to your profession. According to LinkedIn, if you list at least five skills can receive up to 17x more profile views, according to LinkedIn. Also, recruiters view the top three skills on your profile. You should change the order of your skills to highlight your top three skills.

Grow Your Network: It will help if you keep growing your connections as you meet people to be visible to others. According to LinkedIn’s system, having many connections helps your profile to reach people. When you connect with individuals you don’t know or don’t have a direct connection to; you should send a note with your request to explain who you are and why you would like to connect.

Check Your Profile Strength: If you look at your current profile, you can see a feature that gives you a “Profile Strength” measurement. It shows you how completely you’ve filled out your profile. You should add more information until your rate gets you “All-Star.”

Optimise your profile, sell your skills, and validate your accomplishments; LinkedIn is a powerful tool for #job-hunters. You can present who you are and what you really can do professionally.

Let’s help you to boost your LinkedIn profile according to your desires…

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